Based on the eerie and fascinating world of Pokémon, our Gengar Haunter Gastly 3D Lamp is a unique and captivating LED night light that will transport you to the mystical realms of the anime series. With a mesmerizing 3D design featuring the Gengar, Haunter, and Gastly characters, this lamp brings to life the whimsical and mysterious world of the Pokémon universe.
This enchanting lamp is equipped with advanced LED technology that offers a range of features to enchant kids and anime fans alike:
This intricately designed lamp is constructed using high-quality ABS plastic and acrylic materials, providing a durable and long-lasting device that will withstand repeated use. The acrylic sheet has a protective film on both sides, which must be removed before use. The lamp comes with a USB data cable and remote control (optional) for convenient operation.
The following items are included in the package:
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